Thursday, January 26, 2017

I have received some support and seen some negative feedback after my posting stating why I could not fully support the Women's March last weekend.  As I kept thinking about it, I was inspired to write this blogpost.  I want all of my friends who marched or supported to know that I was not trying to put them down.  I know I have many good-hearted friends who were marching for good cause.  Although I was not comfortable with the political agenda of the march organizers, I am not, as I've seen suggested, out of touch or opposed to health care for women.  As a women, I love women, and hope and believe I can do so much more for them in my life that just stating my opinion.  There are so many woman who have inspired me in my life, and this goes out to them, although many may not have facebook, or even internet access, I hope my prayers and love will reach them somehow.

To the mom who raises her own children, and other children in need, all the while caring for a sick and dying husband and living in grinding poverty with little help.

For my friend who chose to raise her son conceived through rape when she was just a teenager, because her LOVE was stronger than hate.

For my friends who had the courage to share their stories of devastation and hope after abortion.

To the moms who continue to give life, spiritually or physically, even when its hard, painful and they have lost much.

To my sister living with HIV who wants nothing more than to help and give to others.

For the moms like me, who are busy 24/7 with their little ones, but never feel like they are doing enough.

I could continue to go on and on, but I will end with my sister who I never got to meet, but who shared her story of rape and abuse after choosing to love Jesus in an oppressive Muslim country.  Yet she never lost her faith. To that unknown woman: your story touched me deeply, and allowed me to begin to forgive and heal from my own painful past experiences.

Something we do need to remember as women is that men are not the enemy. There is an enemy of our souls who would like to take us all down and many times will use men to get to us.

BUT there is a MAN named Jesus, who through his death and sacrifice, showed us his love for us and his ability to completely understand every pain and every scar that we have.  And if we let him, he has healing for the deepest parts of our hearts. I have never known a greater love, and I have never experienced anything more powerful than his love.

I am so thankful that I am a woman, but I am not a victim.  I stand with women worldwide who have not let the circumstances of life change who they are.  Their beauty untainted, their purpose and destiny given them by the Creator will not be stolen.

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